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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Nmap: Your Network Scanner

FutureBazaar || Online Shopping with Best Prices

Hey frnzz, der's a nice tool for many of you treasure hunters..... Nmap.....

Its a software which does many useful works:
  • Host discovery - Identifying hosts on a network. For example, listing the hosts which respond to pings or have a particular port open.
  • Port scanning - Enumerating the open ports on one or more target hosts.
  • Version detection - Interrogating listening network services listening on remote devices to determine the application name and version number.
  • OS detection - Remotely determining the operating system and hardware characteristics of network devices.
  • Scriptable interaction with the target - using Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) and Lua programming language, customized queries can be made.
In addition to these, Nmap can provide further information on targets, including reverse DNS names, device types, and MAC addresses.

Using this tool, you can discover many new things on your network like the open ports, your server ip etc etc....

Nmap was actually created as a command line interface. But now, its GUI form is also available, Zenmap.

I'm telling you some basic commands for nmap CUI:

  • For target specifications:
nmap <targets' URL's or IP's with spaces between them (can also
use CIDR notation)> 
e.g. :,,; 10.0.0-255.1-254
(The command is nmap and similar)
  • For OS detection:
nmap -O <target-host's URL or IP>
  • For Version detection:
nmap -sV <target-host's URL or IP>
  • For configuring response timings (-T0 to -T5 :increasing in aggressiveness):
nmap -T0 -sV -O <target-host's URL or IP>

These commands can be used in linux systems as GUI may be not available for linux.

Get Nmap from Here.....

Shop at Rediff with lowest Prices....

So friends, find the best use of this tool and enjoy..... | Goldmine For Small Investors

Monday, February 4, 2013

Some Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts for you

Up to 60% off on casual

 Hey frnz, today I am sharing with you some of the keyboard shortcuts that are frequently used by us while browsing.
  1. Press CTRL + L to directly go to the address bar.
  2. Press Spacebar to scroll down the page.
  3. Press Shift + Spacebar for quickly scrolling up.
  4. Use CTRL + T to open a New Tab
  5. Use CTRL + W to close the Tab
  6. Press CTRL + D to bookmark a site you have opened.
  7. To find something in web page press CTRL + F.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Different Ports of Mac & PCs...

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